Sunday, February 12, 2012

Blog 16

I believe what the narrator says when he insists regarding “stories are for those late hours in the night when you can’t remember how you got from where you were to where you are.” My experience towards this takes me seven years back, when I was just an elementary student at a primary school. As the time of a seven year old, I was still able to remember the things that go through my mind when I think about the immediate situation that surrounds me. One warm summer day, my family gave me a task. They wanted me to attend a ceremony for a friend. As I think about this moment, I can sense the things that go through my mind. The things like what will I do there and when will I need to be there. I am unaware of the immediate past and consequences that I may see when I get there. As I appear at the ceremony, I can feel the pressure on me for attending this event. I am not sure what is the point of coming to this event, when I am not a friend of this person. I am unable to question this, since my parents have already told me that I needed to attend the ceremony and that I cannot escape this task. All I can think about is the time spending on listening and paying my respects to the person. After about an hour, I departed from the event and took a ride home. After paying my respect for this person, I begin to experience the event and the point of it. I can look back at myself for being an arrogant and selfish kid towards this situation. Even though, this happened when I was seven years old, I still think about the positives and negatives relating to my past.

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