Monday, September 19, 2011

32 Seconds Macbeth Response

There is one way that you can describe the play Macbeth. Fair is foul and foul is fair is something that I cannot describe at the top of my head. What bloody man is that? describes someone who must have come in with blood on him or her. A drum, a drum! Macbeth doth come shows that Macbeth is coming in due to the sounding of drums. So foul and fair that I have not seen comes from line one where I am unable to describe. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter shows that the townspeople want Macbeth to be their king. If chance will have me king, then chance will crown me is where its possible that Macbeth might be king if the villagers decide. I cannot describe unsex me here. If it were when ‘tis’ done shows that Macbeth wants to kill someone. Screw your courage to the sticking place shows that if it makes you happy just do it. Is this a dagger that I see before me? shows that Macbeth stabs actor four. A little water clears us of this deed shows that it is better to cover up a dead body. Fly, good, Fleance, fly! explains that actor six dies. Blood will have blood shows that Macbeth is evil. Double, double, toil and trouble explains that Macbeth is in trouble. He has kill’d me, mother! explains that Macbeth has wiped out actor seven. Bleed, bleed, poor country! explains that the country is facing problems. Out damn’d spot! means that actor five dies. Out, out, brief candle! shows that Macbeth wants to move on. Turn, hell-hound, turn! shows that Macbeth is being chased to death. Lay on Macduff! explains that Macbeth dies. Hail, king of Scotland! means that a new ruler shall be coming soon.
There are two observations that I find while reading the Macbeth play’s script. One of the observations that I find is that actor four, five, six, and seven dies. The other observations that I find are that Macbeth dies at the end.
There are two questions in the Macbeth play’s script that I need help answered. One of the questions is describe the meaning of Fair is foul and foul is fair. The second question is what does it mean when it says Unsex me here?

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